I'm happy to announce that Adopt-a-Lock campaign was a huge success! The eBay auctions ended last week, and I'm pleased to say that all auctions ended with bids, meaning that every dreadlock was adopted. Since the auctions ended on Wednesday and I was going to Knotty Boy on Friday to get my hair dyed, Thursday was a frenzy of trying to get everybody's color requests. On Friday morning, I went to Knotty Boy on Friday to get my hair dyed, which turned out to be almost a 9-hour process. The Knotty Boy gals were awesome. Not only did they do the entire job for free, but they seemed just as excited as me to be a part of Adopt-a-Lock. They're actually going to make a YouTube video of my visit, which pretty fun (if you want to be notified of its release, join their Myspace or Facebook group).
- So far, over $1800 has been raised through the eBay auctions and people just wanting to contribute. Wow!
- This turns into over $3600 after my company's matching gift!
- Hundreds of people have learned about Invisible Children through conversation, emails, word-of-mouth, Facebook, and coworkers of coworkers of coworkers (true story!)
- I'm going to keep my hair dyed for about 3 weeks, which has been a great opportunity to tell even more people about Invisible Children
- I've attached just a couple photos of the finished product, but check out this web album to get the whole story.
- Read this: in a few weeks, I'll be having a party at my house and will be showing the Invisible Children movie that started it all. This is the movie that introduced me to the dire situation in Uganda and has been on my mind ever since. If you'd like to come, let me know and I'll make sure to invite you once the details are figured out.
Thanks again for all of your help, support, and prayers. Your generosity will change lives.
This is a pretty cool thing you have done. I have an adopted son with dreadlocks, and stumbled onto your blog by accident... but I'm glad I did. Way to go, and rock the locks!
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